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Light Pads

Designed the LightPads housing for 3D printing Developed the prototype LightPad using Python and a Raspberry Pi Developed the LightPad Server using Node.js and Websockets Developed a API for Unity for communication Games using the LightPads Developed update system for downloading LightPad games

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Football XR

Developed Unity games which are played using the Vive VR Headset and additional trackers Designed foot mounting for Vive Trackers

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Rugged Interactive

Developed a range of games which used Rugged Interactives Hub using Unity and communicating over serial Arcade Freedom Gaming Sky Pods Ninja Pods Ninja Trac Sky Climb Developed a configuration app to allow the park owners to configure their systems Set up Unity packages to make using and updating code shared between games easier. Setup a server to manage them and download them from Unity. Implemented a Remote Control protocol on the Hubs to allow Unity to control the Hub using serial

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Bounce XR

Developed Unity games which are played using the Kinect for Windows for use in Trampoline Parks Doodle jump inspired game where players would bounce up by bouncing on a trampoline and move left or right to move.

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